Hearty Sweet Potato Black Bean Chili
¡Hola Amigos! 🙂 Time for a recipe! I get hung up on posting them because I don’t have fancy Food Network photography featuring parsley scattered haphazardly across my finished dishes. I have fluorescent kitchen light and reality. BUT I figured you guys don’t come here expecting Food Network and are probably okay with getting a […]

Decadent Tomato Basil Soup
There’s something about homemade soups that just warms the soul. Even though it’s already regularly in the 80s here in South Texas, I still find myself craving this Tomato Basil soup—and I’ve never really been a Tomato fan! Guys, when I tell you this is one of the best soups I’ve ever had…it is so […]

Homemade Mini Pizza Bites–a Toddler Favorite!
Toddlers. Mysterious beasts who want what they want when they want it. What is it they want? They don’t know. I don’t know. Crying on both sides ensues. Ok, so it’s not always that dramatic, but for real, when it comes to feeding toddlers, hit or miss just doesn’t quite capture how difficult it can […]

Zucchini Tots Recipe (soy free version!)
Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a great day so far. I had a couple of errands to run, including getting groceries. If you’re anything like me, you’re not a huge fan of grocery shopping. I mean, who is? The hassles are endless: finding a parking spot, selecting a cart that has all four functioning wheels […]

Ultimate Dairy and Soy Free Food Guide (with links to awesome recipes!)
Ok folks, it’s finally here: The Ultimate Dairy and Soy Free Food Guide! This is a list of information and recipes that helped me survive when I had to go completely dairy and soy free with Roman due to his protein sensitivities. [If you suspect your baby is having food-related issues, read our story to […]