Hi guys!
I am ready to get back in the saddle and try to feel normal again (well, I don't know that I was normal before, but I digress...). As I mentioned in my last post about our hurricane experience, it took some time to clear debris, cut up a tree that was leaning on our house, un-board (?) our windows, etc. once we got home. And now that all that's done, I find myself anxiously trying to purge our house of everything we don't need while organizing everything that's staying.
It's funny because I've heard several other people I know say similar things. If I had to take a stab at being a psychologist, I'd say it probably has to do with having no sense of control during the hurricane and wanting to regain a sense of control over our homes and lives by organizing + taking time to assess what is valuable and what's not in order to purge stuff we don't need (which is easier done with a newfound perspective regarding what really matters).
You see, the medulla oblongata--just kidding, I don't know what I'm talking about.
So one of the mini-projects I found myself focusing on was organizing our dresser drawers. It had been bugging me forever because Roland's 10,000 work shirts/under shirts/muscle shirts were always trying to burst out. I knew there had to be a way to reorganize the clothes to make them all fit rather than resort to getting rid of things he actually wears.
I had read about the KonMari method, and now that I've tried a few of Marie Kondo's techniques, I know I'm gonna have to get her #1 NY Times Best Seller book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. Let me show you what I mean with some Before and After photos:
Here's Roland's shirt drawer before:
And look at this Type A satisfaction right here:
There are 38 shirts in that drawer in both pictures. Yep. Exact same clothes. The KonMari method teaches you specific folding techniques for each article of clothing you have to maximize storage space while allowing you to easily find what you're looking for. I took detailed pictures to show you guys how to do it. Check it out!
Folding Shirts with KonMari
I was so pumped when I finished that drawer, I tackled the dreaded sock drawer. Before, we did what I'm sure most people do: put two socks together and fold the neck of one sock down over both socks to create a pair of socks in which one sock will have a stretched out neck. Well my friends, saggy sock necks are a thing of the past! (Never thought I'd type that sentence lol).
As with the shirt drawer, I assure y'all, it's the same amount of socks and Roland's work bandanas. Can you believe that?! We use to have trouble closing the sock drawer and always had to shove the socks down. Now look at all that extra space!
Folding Socks with KonMari
Now all your socks will look fantastic! I have inspired you, yes? You're itching to get home and release all your socks from their choke-holds. I know.
Like I said, I'm so satisfied with this little-big change that I really can't wait to get her book and apply it to my whole life. Her book instructs you on how to get rid of clutter and organize every room in your home. The hardcover claims "Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you’ll never have to do it again." Uh, yes please. Although I have to wonder if Kondo has a toddler at home...*insert laughing+crying emojis*
A Call for Photos!
I'm so excited about how well this worked for me that I'd love to see it work for you! If you use this method, please send me a Before and After shot at thegarciahouseblog@gmail.com along with your name, and I will add them to this post to encourage others to try it out! 🙂 Thanks guys!
Love y'all,