Y'all. This child right here is gonna be the end of me. If you wanna know how my day went, I present to you Exhibit A:
Don't let the adorable grin fool you. Toddlers, I tell you. Only little creatures who could destroy your home, not eat the food you spent forever making, and still melt your heart. And not get evicted. Yet. He's got a few years left.
After I got done cleaning up my poor plant's soil, I decided it was time for another cleaning hack for y'all. This one lands us back in the bathroom, but you'll be able to use this in the kitchen and anywhere else in your home that has a sink or faucet. As I mentioned in last week's post, we have hard water. If you've got hard water, you can expect to see lovely mineral deposits like these on your faucets and shower fixtures, in the toilets, and even on counters:
You may also know that attempting to scrub this stuff off is futile. Most bathroom and kitchen cleaners I've tried don't even get it to budge. So here's what I do to get my fixtures to wipe clean with NO scrubbing!
All you need to remove hard water deposits is white vinegar and some paper towels or old rags.
Just cut your paper towels or old rags into long strips. Dip them into your jug of vinegar (or pour it on) to saturate them completely. Now wrap each strip around every part of your fixture that has hard water build up.
[ATTENTION: In these photos, you'll see that I've applied this to my granite counter. Normally, you wouldn't really want to use this on granite because the acidity of the vinegar can eat away the sealant and damage/ dull the shine of the stone. We are actually planning to reseal soon and wanted to remove ALL build up beforehand, so we went ahead with this. I did use a flat razor blade to scrape as much of the deposits off as possible first. I also diluted the vinegar by getting the rag wet with water before adding vinegar. As a result, I got the counter clean with no damage. But heed my warning, and don't do this on the reg or you'll dull your counters!]
Once wrapped up, let the vinegar sit for at least an hour. For heavy build up, you may want to let this sit longer. I left them on for about an hour, hour and a half.
Then all you do is remove your wraps and wipe any loose residue away. I wipe everything down with a clean damp rag to remove any lingering vinegar. And just look at the difference!
Awesome, right? If you enjoyed this tip and want to see more helpful content like this, be sure to subscribe below to never miss a post! 🙂
Love you guys,